Posts by admin

Register a Domain-Choose Wisely

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Choosing a domain name is an important decision that needs to be made before establishing your online presence. To register a domain name can be relatively inexpensive and that often belays the importance of the decision. Following are some issues that you should consider before taking that first step. Domain Registration – Tips for Choosing a Domain Name 1. Domain names can only contain letters, numbers and hyphens, – symbols and spaces are not allowed. 2. Whilst hyphenated domain names are allowed they are sometimes more difficult to remember and they are certainly more...

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Web Design – Professional or DIY?

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So you think you or your business/organisation needs a website? The first question that is often asked is “do I need a professional web design services or can I use one of the DIY web facilities?”. Well, following are some thoughts that may help you with your decision. The web has had a major impact both our personal and working/business lives and whether you need a sizeable website in order to promote and sell your goods and/or services or whether you need just a minimal presence on the web a pre-requisite for getting your site noticed are web pages that are both visually...

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – What Is It and Why Do I Need It

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Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the action of optimising a web site by improving internal and external elements in order to increase the traffic that is driven to a website  from search engines. Sites that consider and use  SEO vary massively; some having a highly specialised focus, whilst others have more generalised content. Optimising a web site for search engines involves looking at many unique elements of a site and search engine optimisation consuktants will often need to work in collaboration with website designers, since so many of the elements that they work with...

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Business Blogs – Why Bother?

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Business blogs are a phenomena that is picking up considerable momentum as companies/individuals traders begin to realise just what benefits business blogs can offer. What is a Blog? A blog is a series of articles/web pages that contain frequently information arranged chronologically and usually on a subject basis. The boom of blogs (web-logs) really started to happen in late 1990’s when several companies & developers made easy blogging software and tools available and since then the number of blogs on the Internet has exploded from a few thousand to well over 100 million. Blogs...

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